María Elena Rodríguez-La Rosa

85 entries.
Joe Carlascio from Canada
Dear Malena I have just seen your web page and I did know that you did sculptures, but never did I think your work was so beautiful, I wish one day I could see your work in person, but I didn"t know you did paintings, you are an artist in every sense of the word. If you ever think of having a show here in Toronto please let me know and I?ll help you anyway I can. I wish you the best of luck (not that you been it with that work). P.S. As you know I sale something like yours here in Toronto but there not originals and nice like yours. Joe
John Greenaway from Sydney Australia
My Dear Malena, Words cannot describe how professional and well set out you have this web page. The only thing that exceeds it is what you have displayed. I was so impressed with the quality and style of your body of work. It reminded me of that little project I gave you ... do you remember? Your paintings all have an eye in them and I find that strange because I have always been drawn to the Egyptian all seeing eye. Anyway your work is wonderful, it must be far better in real life. Regards.. John
BJ Ekstrand from Sweden
Congratulations Malena to a great web site, I also like your art even if I"m not an Art freak I can see when it's beautiful. It's great with internet where you get in touch with people all over the world as easy as this. Thank You for the New Year Greetings. BJ Sweden
Henk de Goeij from The Netherlands
Really looks great. Love you art !!! Keep up this good work !!
Lars Carlsson from Sweden
Ahh, thank you so much Maria Elena for the link to your website. I like very much to see all these fabulous pictures and sculptures! Really beautiful. Best wishes for the NEW Year! Lars. Your friend from Uppsala
Antonio Barbio from Portugal
Malena, que bellisima surpresa. Fiquei olhando de boca aberta admirando suas magníficas pinturas, não sendo um conhecedor de arte, mas sim um mortal comum, eu fico com essa possibilidade e ouso dizer que você far᳠certamente em Portugal, no pr��o Ver㯬 um tremendo 긩to com teus trabalhos. Adorei o delicioso toque ࠄali, pintor que muito admiro. Teu futuro 頣ertamente muito lindo. Tudo de bom para ti e muitas, muitas felicidades. Um beijo do amigo de sempre ANTӎIO BARBIO
Sharon Perez from israel
marilena! bueno suerte for your lovely site. i knew evrything will be 100 % in the end. miss u a lot. Kisses… sharon.
Alex Perez from Israel
Querida Maria Elena. Ves?, ya tienes tus paginas en el Cyber World Eres una gran artista, llena de sensibilidad y tecnica, has llegado a cumplir una muy dificil mision: "La imposible mezcla del Espiritu y la Materia", todo eso se refleja en tu exquisita obra artistica. Te felicito y te deseo gran exito en todo y que tengas millones de visitas a tus Web pages. De todo corazon. Alex
Herve from Francia
Que artista tan andarriega !! Me gusta tu arte, me impresiona tu vida, te deseo todo mejor! Hacia tiempo que no te veia, te ves bella como tus obras! A un de ces jours !
Philippe Valle from Paris
félicitations pour votre travail j'ai beaucoups aimé congratulations for your work I have many liked